Welcome to Christy & Main Order Entry. To gain access to corporate accounts, please enter your store number.
You now need to enter your 7 digit store number instead of your 4 digit store number when logging in.
Access code:
This Web Site is designed and is
for the use by the employees of the participating Company. Your Employer will give you the
access code needed
to gain entry to the Order Entry Process.
Also, please note that the items you order are only shipped to your place of employment
. On the Access Page, you will be asked to enter the ACCESS CODE and your NAME. The items will be shipped to your employment location and marked to your attention. Be sure to include your first, last names and middle initial.
Once you have completed the data entry fields, then click on
* If your company requires direct payment via credit card or PayPal account then you will select the address to which you want the order to be shipped.